Sunday, June 23, 2013

Dee, Sorry for the Haze

Dear all South East Asian Countries, we apologize for unpleasant condition in this few days..

Unpleasant bad weather and environment caused by our country..

Haze covered all over your country, haze makes all of you very hard to breath, uncomfortable to do any routine of work. We are sorry.

We are apologizing for everything.

As Indonesian, I am not deny, the haze comes from my hometown, Riau.
The haze comes from new plantation in summer/dry season, no rain to reduce the haze.

Unfortunately, do you know who should take responsibility for this bad environment?
Who start the bad environment with open palm plantation in our green environment before?
Who the man of destroying our forest in Bukit Barisan?
Who start destroying our forest and make it as plantation?
Who give our local to destroy and kill our rare animal in the forest?
Who should take responsibility for killing tiger in our forest?
Do you use palm oil for cooking?
Do you know who change coconut plantation become palm plantation?
Do you know who change our forest become bird nest plantation?

If you still know nothing, please google it, and don't blame Indonesian.
Our family in hometown, should struggle it every years although we don't get anything from that.

Dee - Indonesian who grew up in Riau,
who ever saw tiger in our forest,
who had play with colorful crab in mud,
who miss see eagles fly in the sky,
Everything is gone....

You start to change, you got the KARMA.
Dear Singaporean, Malaysian.... Sorry for the haze

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